LV, LT, EST, BALT JCH Spanish CH LV, LT, EST, BALT, Poland CH Riga's Junior Winner'21 RSCE Winner Latin Winner WDS 2021 BRNO ex. 4 in junior class WDS 2022 Madrid, ex.1, CAC Inlovewith Nothing Else Matters (Mr. Shelby) Mr.Shelby was born in our kennel on December 14, 2020. He is white & tan and have rough coat. Shelby is about 28 cm high. Mr.Shelby is Neo grandson. His parents are very friendly dogs too. Mr.Shelby has all 42 teeth and dark eyes Health tests: Patella: 0/0 Eyes: clear CMS, HUU, LI, PLL, prcd-PRA, ARSCID, LOA, SCA, SAMS, DM, Neonatal Cerebellar Ataxia (Bandera’s syndrome), Microphthalmia - clear by parentage (mydogdna) |